Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cold Enough for a Snuggie

Now this feels like winter! Kansas City had the 3rd snowiest month of December including a doozy of a storm that dropped 12" over Christmas. Since then we've had snow on the ground every day! Why? Because it's been ridiculously cold with temperatures struggling to make it out of the single digits. And more cold air is on the way. Church has been canceled each of the past couple of Sundays and there are days we struggle to make it out of our driveway. The fireplace in the living room acts as an animal magnet drawing the cats, the dog and the two-legged creatures to its warm flames. Other rooms in the house aren't as warm, thus the need to pile on the blankets to watch a Kansas City Chiefs football game. With no arms in the blanket to use the remote control, a Snuggie seems to be in order.