Sunday, January 31, 2010

New addition to Cody's collection of Top-10 lists

Since Cody has a fascination with "lists" of most any kind, Saturday was a perfect opportunity for Paige to provide him with a Top-10 "late night" style list. I don't know that he was thrilled to be adding it to his collection of lists, but it's still great for a laugh.

Top ten things learned by having a flooded
laundry room/kitchen/basement:
(sorry, no pictures, unless Cody took some that I don't know about)

10-) I assume the washer/dryer must be "grounded" somewhere because no one got buzzed... (or worse...)

9-) Half of my kitchen floor no longer needs to be mopped!

8-) 40 gallons of water is MUCH more than it looks like when it's inside the washing machine.

7-) The "Cold" cycle has more benefits than those listed on the laundry soap bottle/box.

6-) A hamster can roll an exercise ball at least 5 - 8 feet through 1 inch of water (cold, not hot) with out drowning. (Neither did the dog who was closely following the hamster in the ball through the water...)

5-) Cats can't (or won't) walk on water, and though a wet towel offered a bridge to dry land, Tommy still sent plenty of water flying, flipping his paws with every little step. (I probably shouldn't have laughed.

4-) Wet/dry vacuums only suck up water when the hose isn't clogged.

3-) Clearly, the law of gravity is still fully functioning, evidenced by all the water that moved from the upstairs to the basement.

2-) I realize now that turning the basement into a swimming poor really isn't as good of an idea as it might sound, not that the idea was being entertained mind you. That said, the basement floor is the cleanest it has ever been since the house was built.

1-) Always change the water filter on the fridge before cleaning up the flood water from the floor. I'm still not sure exactly what happened, but after I replaced the filter for the fridge I tested the water, only it wouldn't turn back off... so, more water on the floor...

Maybe I should have left the water on the floor, bought some goldfish, and told everyone that the latest trends in interior design are "flooded-floor" ponds...

Do you think anyone would believe me?

Coming up next week: Top-10 reasons why sucking lint from the clogged "past due for a cleaning-my clothes are taking two hours to dry" dryer vent with the same wet/dry vac used to clean up the flood water is a bad idea...

1 comment:

Krista said...

Wow! I know flooded basements are not fun! Glad you got it all cleaned up and hope all is well.