Sunday, March 27, 2011

Waiting for Answers

The worst part of a test is not knowing the answers. Such is the test we find ourselves in ... not having the answers. Paige went in for her 2nd ultrasound (at the 18 week mark) on Monday ... where we were told that nothing was there. Nothing. Yet she continues to show all the signs of pregnancy ... the hidden soccer ball under her shirt, the need to purchase bigger bras, and a body temperatures that's still "up" ... yet they can't find anything. The good news is that she still feels "fine" physically ... but obviously the emotional part of it all is starting to take its toll. But there's another appointment on Friday (April Fools Day) with a new lady doctor to hopefully provide some answers to the test that we're tired of taking. We know that many are praying in our behalf ... and we thank-you for them. We couldn't go through this without the Lord's help and your prayers.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Family, Two Temples

Our family spent Saturday attending our nearby temples. For some time, we had a family temple trip planned to Omaha, NE ... and then our local church leaders planned a trip for the youth to go to St. Louis, MO on the same day. Which would Ty choose? 7 hours in the car with Mom and Dad ... or ... 8+ hours in the car with friends? Needless to say, Paige and Cody had a WONDERFUL, enjoyable trip to the Winter Quarters temple together. :]

So what does that have to do with the above picture? Absolutely nothing. But Paige took this cool picture one day when the city was testing out our fire hydrant on a cold, sunny morning. The end result on our plants and trees was spectacular!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Entertainment for Animals

We love our animals ... both domesticated and otherwise. And of course, having a "big screen TV" for the cats and dog (otherwise known to us as a "sliding glass door") provides hours of entertainment to the outdoor world. Case in point was a recent visit from one of many squirrels in our yard - one that apparently has little fear towards the widening eyes of those on the other side of the glass.