Saturday, December 26, 2009

This Christmas Blows

This Christmas blows ... I mean blew. For starters, Kansas City got it's first Christmas snowstorm in 50 years and not only did it drop about a foot of snow, but the wind blew and blew some more. Blizzard warnings were posted and there was no traveling on Christmas Eve. No traditional looking at Christmas lights and our friends had to cancel dinner with us. But what a cozy night at home instead. On another note, we made a shift in Christmas gift giving this year - all gifts had to be homemade. Fortunately for Tyson, he has a birthday in a couple of weeks that he was able to rely on for the good gifts ... or at least that was his mind set to begin with. Then the other day he was quoted as saying, "I thought that this homemade gift giving thing was going to be really lame ... you know, cutting out paper stuff and then wrapping it. Then I learned you could buy the stuff you needed to make things and I'm excited to give my gifts!" That's the Christmas spirit! When all was said and done, one of his favorite presents was his marshmallow guns made from PVC pipe. A day later and a bag of miniature marshmallows have been blown from one end of the house to the other. Kallie (the dog) has cleaned most of them up. Yes, Christmas blew this year, but in a great way. It was the best Christmas that any of us could recall.

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