Saturday, December 12, 2009

Swimming in Leavenworth

Thank goodness for indoor pools! Our temperatures may have plummeted like the rest of the country, but Tyson is still taking to the pool every week up in Leavenworth (and no, not at the prison). At his mother's insistence, he will continue to do so until he's able to pass off his Boy Scout swimming requirements as well. Take for instance the time that Tyson was convinced that he would drown in the deep end when asked to swim a full lap. He argued with Nate, his instructor, but to no avail. That's when Paige threatened, "Tyson! I will come in there if I have to!" Do you think he believed her? After all, she didn't have her swimming suit with her. Didn't matter. She jumped in, fully clothed and Tyson DID swim the lap he was asked to. We're now "that much closer" to him passing off his swimming requirements. As a precautionary note, Paige brings her swimming suit with her each week.

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