Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wired and Amped

If Easter Eggs had circuitry, an on-and-off switch, or perhaps an LCD screen, then maybe Ty would have more interest in them. But as it is, his life revolves around a hot glue gun, a soldering iron, and a 12 volt lawn and garden battery - the latter two items coming from money he earned recently from pet sitting. As much as the rest of the family is tired of hearing about wattage, voltage and amps, it's better than hearing about how miserable his life is with his new braces.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

Found you by checking "next blog post" on blogger - I like to see what other people are doing, too! Anyway, this is a really cute post -- your son is a neat fellow! (My 11 yo has braces, too)