Saturday, May 9, 2009

Reaching New Heights in Topeka

A change in weekend plans ... what to do? Head to the capital city! The city of Tonganoxie sits conveniently half way between Kansas City and Topeka, about 45 minutes away. So what does one do in Topeka?
  • We hiked 296 don't-look-down steps to the top of the 3rd highest capital building in the US. What a view! If you've ever heard that it's flat in Kansas, the view from atop will testify that it truly is!
  • We sold a book back to the Washburn University bookstore (which later paid for lunch). It was Cody's first time on campus, despite having taken classes there for a year now.
  • Visited the Old Prairie Town at Historic Ward-Meade Park where we enjoyed cold treats at a working soda fountain (before lunch ... dessert came first today!)
  • Adding a little history and educational value to the day, we visited the Brown vs. the Board of Education National Historic Site where we learned to truly appreciate the desegregated world that we live in today.
What a great day spent together as a family in perfect Spring weather. Perhaps it was a preview of our upcoming family vacation.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Your family is 2 cute!!!