Monday, March 26, 2007

We're Half Way There

We're a little more than half way there ... on two accounts. During Tyson's Spring break he participated in a mom-mandated "No Screen Policy" which meant the ban of using anything with a screen ... such as computer screens, television screens, Palm screens, cell phone screens, laptop screens, etc. Much to his surprise, it's gone quite well! There's been a lot of reading, exploring the outside (till he saw a snake) and playing with toys long forgotten. Nothing wrong with electronics, but it's been a good break nonetheless.

Cody avoided the no-screen policy by going on business and is a little more than halfway through an extended business trip that began last Tuesday in Charlotte and concludes in Gettysburg on Wednesday. Driving from North Carolina to Pennsylvania over the weekend offered him the chance to spend some time in his old mission area of Washington DC, which included a trip to the Washington DC temple. Sunday was a chance to see just how much Spanish he remembered as he mixed-n-mingled with Hispanics of all nationalities at church.

It'll be nice to have the whole family back together again on Wednesday - and maybe we'll turn the tv on again, if we remember how.

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