Last weekend, Paige and Cody went out on a magical date to a land far, far away to a time long, long ago. Ah ... the Renaissance Festival was in town and we had tickets to the Romanian themed weekend. Jousting ... oooh! Wenches ... aaah! Giant turkey legs ... eh. Hundreds of shops, performers, shows, and enough interesting people to keep the people watching in high gear! Good times - even the rain couldn't damper the fun. But oh how ominous the sky became at one point ...![](
We had to make some transportation upgrades this weekend for the boys in the family. Tyson hasn't a bike in a coon's age and Paige & Cody had wanted to buy him one "for no good reason really" for some time. So Friday Night's Date Night took them to WalMart where a new bike (and helmet!) were purchased. Cody took it for a test drive in the parking lot and it passed.Date Night in Lawrence also took Paige and Cody over to Gary Gribbles for some new running shoes. It's not just old age that's wrecking havoc on Cody's hips, knees, shins, and feet. After logging 500 miles on his current shoes, it was time for a replacement, especially with the Kansas City Marathon just weeks away.So on Saturday morning, Cody and Tyson got up at the crack of dawn and headed down to Johnson County to hit the trails. Tyson got to ride his new bike but Cody's new shoes weren't broke in yet - thus he had to wear his old shoes. 18.5 miles later, he was doing everything he could to convince Ty to let him ride the bike. No go.
Seeing how we have no children in elementary school or in Primary at church, we have no cute drawings and artwork to stick under a magnet on the fridge. Instead, we've all graduated to the family art gallery where our latest works of art hang majestically in the hallway under the studio lights.Each one of us had a canvas and three (3) rules to follow: The scene had to be one from the Midwest and each artist could only use 3 colors. From there, we were free to paint and create. No formal art show has been scheduled. Here are our masterpieces:![](
Ah ... Labor Day. The bookend holiday of summer signifying the transition into fall. Oh how we love thee and thy 3-day weekend that takes the sting out of Monday!
Friday night started with Tonganoxie HS football and their home opener against Bishop Ward HS (Kansas City, KS). It was perfect weather for football too - and it was almost chilly! But the game was great but not even close, with a Tongie win ... 54 to 6.
Saturday started out with a long training run for Cody that included yet another entertaining dog story (one for another time).
We found that a lot of places around KC are closed on Mondays, but not the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, MO! Thus we were educated regarding the life and times of the 33rd President of the US. Our friends the Bradys came over to shoot a round of golf on the popular backyard golf course. A great way to wind up a busy (and tiring) weekend.